Central plays three major sports throughout the year: soccer, basketball, and volleyball. See the individual pages for more information.
CBCA is part of the NYPENN CAC: New York Pennsylvania Christian Athletic Conference. League teams for soccer and basketball consist of Central Baptist, Summit Christian, Twin Tiers Christian, Ross Corners, Triboro Christian, Canaan Christian, and grace Christian. NYPENN CAC Championship Tournaments are held at the end of each season.
CBCA is part of the ESCAL league for volleyball. This league consists of Central Baptist, Cortland Christian, Grace Christian, Twin TIers Christian, Fingerlakes, North Spencer, Syracuse Eagles, Baldwinsville, Corning Christian, and Emannuel. ESCAL Championship Tournament is held at the end of the season.
The NYPENN webpage will have all the stats for each team/player for soccer and basketball. Click on the Soccer/Basketball to see how we're doing.

Mr. Daniel Thompson is the Athletic Director. He attends sports meetings with all the Athletic Directors in our league, twice a year. He schedules all the games, secures all the officials, and prepares the field/court for game time.
You can contact Mr. Thompson at dthompson@centraladvantage.org.
Before any student can participate in any sport, before they can PRACTICE - they must have the HEALTH CERTIFICATE / APPRAISAL FORM filled out by a physician and turned into the school office.
Print out the form HERE or pick one up in the office,
This form is good all year long for all CBCA sports. If your student is just playing one sport or all three, this form will need to be in the office before they can practice.
This will be our primary method of communication for schedules, cancelations, changes, reschedules, AWAY games, times of departure and return times, etc.
Signup Instructions
Step 1:
Visit 'Google Play' or 'App Store' on your smart device and search for the "InstaTeam Team" App.
Step 2:
Follow the instructions provided to create a new account or login using your existing Facebook or Google account.
Step 3:
To find your team and join it.
Step 4:
Click on the team and then click Join.
You are all done. See you on InstaTeam.