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Parents and Grandparents of CBCA are very important!

We appreciate all the support they give Christian Education.


CBCA Parents/Grandparents help in a variety of ways:

Volunteers - classroom, recess, kitchen, PTF projects

Supply food for concession stands

Monetary gifts

Some are able to substitute teach

100 more ways.......

Thank you parents/grandparents for all you do for CBCA!



A lot of information for parents is on the FORMS & INFORMATION page under ADMISSIONS, including Driving Patterns, Student Supply list, Registration & Financial information, Bus Transportation & the Health/Appraisal Form. 


Also, under the SUPPORT pages, you will find various ways to help the school from collecting box tops and soup labels to help in praying on a daily basis for CBCA.

Check out our UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES page under Alumni for links to several websites.